Even though buyer’s agents in Brisbane enjoy interacting with people, some customers will inevitably cross their boundaries—knowingly or unknowingly. These simple guidelines can keep you and your agent on good terms when looking for a home.
Avoid contacting the listing agent when working with a Brisbane buyer’s agent
The seller is the one who hires listing agents, not the buyer. A conflict of interest will arise for the agent if you ultimately choose to have them represent you after deciding to work with the property listing agent. Listing agents should not perform the duties of a buyer’s agent; it is called dual agency. Avoid attempting to communicate directly with the listing agent; instead, let your agent handle the matter.
Obtain and acknowledge an agency disclosure
Buyers are legally entitled to agency disclosure from agents. However, this document varies from state to state. Your signed agency disclosure serves as proof of delivery. Only a revelation is made. It is not a contract that any buyer agency Brisbane may utilize in any way. Observe it while you read.
The most effective and reputable type of agency is a single agency. Meaning you now have your own agent. They are obligated to represent your interests because you owe them a fiduciary duty.
Buyer’s agents are paid commissions.
The majority of buyers’ agents in Brisbane often receive commissions. If a deal is not finalized, an agent is not compensated. They are consequently typically quite motivated to put in a lot of effort for you. Most Brisbane Buyer’s agents don’t just rely on their pay. Since they will be paid the same whether or not they are beneficial to you, you probably wouldn’t want to hire them.
See also: Why problem-solving skills are essential for a buyers agent in Queensland

Always keep your appointments and arrive on time
You should be aware that although agents have a lot of clients to attend to and should be able to help you promptly, you won’t always be at the top of their list of priorities.
Please remember to remind your agent of scheduled meetings since their time is valuable. If you are stuck in traffic or running late for any other reason, give your agent a call to let them know when you expect to arrive.
How to Choose a Buyer’s Agent in Brisbane
The best way to ensure you discover a good fit is to interview many agents. Additionally, make it plain to each agent that you are in the interview phase.
Interviewing more than one buyer’s agent from the same firm is not advised. Even if many of the agents in the same office get along well, workplace politics can unnecessarily complicate the process of buying a house.
Open house Procedure
If you plan to attend an open house alone, ask your agent if it’s alright. In certain places, attending open houses alone is discouraged. If your agent approves, provide their business card to the agent holding the open house, so they will know you are a client.
Asking the open house host about the seller’s intentions is inappropriate. Allow your agent to speak on your behalf when asking such inquiries. Your agent will probably take a different tack that will work better for you. Also, don’t provide the seller’s agent with any personal information. Making an offer on the house will probably not help you and might even hurt you when negotiating.
Together with the Brisbane buyer’s agent, sign a buyer’s broker agreement
A contract between you and a Brisbane buyer’s agent is expected. It creates an agreement between you and the broker or agent and spells out their responsibilities to you.
If you are not ready to enter into a contract with the broker or agent, do not ask them to show you any properties. Otherwise, it might not be evident who is eligible for the commission—that is, the procuring cause—if you find a home you would love to buy.

Indicate Your Expectations Clearly
Let a Brisbane buyers’ agent know if you plan to have them pick you up at your door and drive you home after visiting properties. There will be many others offering that service. If not, they might suggest a meeting at work. Inform your agents of the frequency and format of your preferred communication. How do you prefer to communicate? Calls, texts, or emails?
Be realistic about your objectives and the time frame to find a new home. Your agent can benefit from your input and additional assistance. Inform them if you are displeased. Brisbane Buyer’s agents are concerned with your happiness. Be sure of your opinions.
Never sign something you don’t fully understand
You shouldn’t feel embarrassed if you need your agent’s help with a form. It is their job. Unlike you, buyer’s agents in Brisbane might be familiar with a variety of forms. Therefore, ask questions until you’re sure you understand.
However, keep in mind that because they are not attorneys, Brisbane buyer’s agents cannot interpret the law. Therefore, without first making it clear that you are not seeking one, agents should not be asked for material that amounts to a legal opinion.
Be ready to buy
If you aren’t ready to buy, you don’t need a buyers agent Brisbane. You are welcome to go to an open house by yourself, but be upfront with the agents and let them know you are only looking. In truth, it’s best to hold off on visiting homes until you’re genuinely in the market for one. You won’t be wasting an agent’s time by doing this.
You can hire a babysitter if your kids are too little for you to take them while you tour the homes. Bring your checkbook along. Because your buying offer could also need to contain an earnest money deposit, you’ll need it to create an offer. Furthermore, it would help if you had gotten a mortgage pre-approval.
If there is mutual respect and consideration, you and your buyer’s agent can connect successfully and navigate the home-buying process easily.